Different Discomforts & Discipline

Discomfort is part of changing set patterns. 

I have started exercising again and the workout pain is recognizable and different from injury pain, but as intense at times. It burns like fire at first. Perhaps because I unconsciously have associated all pain with oppression and punishment, I do not allow myself to change the big things. On this I will change my mind.

I remember the pain of childbirth too. It was the greatest pain I have ever felt and worth every second as it brought me my greatest gift, creation and teacher.

As I embark on this new journey I am reflecting on how important it is to get ok with discomfort as part of big changes in life.

When my husband left it was so painful, it felt like I was dying. Truth was it was an unhealthy relationship and needed to go and in a couple weeks I felt so much better and in a month I had a new life that was better than I even imagined. 

So the lesson that is sinking in with me right now is to remember that no pain is here to punish me, but to inform and teach me.

 To break inertia is to change perpetual motion. It’s like stopping a running train and turning it around and starting in a new direction. There is a lot of power around that and at first a lot of resistance and strain. Once it’s stopped it takes a clear plan and path to turn it around, but once it’s going again in its new direction it is, once again, very hard to stop. This is like an old habit or an addictive behaviour; to stop the old behaviour painful change must happen to get off the old path and on to a new one, but once it’s done momentum returns and the new path is the natural automatic way to go.

A couple tough weeks to break the habit and a few months for a new normal. That’s not so bad. 

So I am mindfully heading into a few big inertia shifts. They are to help me and to serve me better, but I will admit I feel a bit overwhelmed. 

I will be with the fear feelings and tend to them kindly, but I am choosing loving change. I am choosing the brief discomfort for the release of things that no longer serve me and the welcoming of new loving healthier patterns and behaviours in my life.

I am temporarily committing consciously to something that doesn’t feel good to get what I know will feel good. I’m choosing to let go of a habit that now hurts me in the long term, but gives me great pleasure in the short term.

 I am choosing short term pain for long term gain over short term gain for long term pain. 

My current comforts feel like wonderful lifelines, but they are also slowly killing me. I love rich foods, I love being cozy most of the time, but these behaviours need to shift. I will educate myself and dedicate myself to, in a loving and mindful way, changing to new pathways.

Choo-Choo! Wish me luck and if you are with me in the next couple weeks gentleness, and nurture will be greatly appreciated. Over the next few months a cheering squad would be great lol. Even better would be to join me. 

What great shift will you make as an act of self love? What courageous sacrifice will you make in the name of a healthier and happier life? What steps are you mindfully taking to live your best life?

 I’d really love to hear and…. You’ve got this!

Love Osa

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