Grounded vs Floored

The goal is to get grounded; to understand what that means, why it’s important for a healthy life, how to go about it and to sustain it. 

In my experience, when I’m grounded I feel safer, I see more clearly(less fog brain), I am more confident, I am in all of my senses more, I am able to maintain more mindfulness. I am able to see self and others more compassionately and objectively. I am more aware of all around me and am more present. I feel fed by nature and connectedness.

This is what I see as the value of getting grounded and being in the mindful practice of it.

When I am not mindfully grounded it’s not long before I drift off into my mind of self sabotaging fear stories and judgments and quickly become floored. I start to feel floored or overwhelmed or blocked by myself, others, life in general. I feel heavy and life becomes laboured and exhausting. Life starts to feel too much, too hard, too tiring.

When I choose grounded I feel in control and when I feel floored I feel out of control or controlled.

Take some time to contemplate how you are living now and how you want to live. Think about how you feel in each state and start making those self aware, loving choices to move yourself into the root and reap the benefits of conscious self regulation and self love. It’s time to change your mind. We are that powerful and it is that simple in concept.

Let’s get our feet on the ground and well rooted right in the here and now of our current reality so we are honestly and lovingly  prepared to take conscious steps forward on the path of life this year. 

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