Hi, I’m Osa Natalie Fraser, your local holistic healer, spiritual guide, and Officiant.
I offer a panoply of services from private rejuvenation retreats to officiating weddings.

I’m the holistic healer at your service, Gatineau! Just an e-mail away.

Fill out your information below and I will get in touch as soon as possible.

Discover the Healing Power of Reiki: I’m The Practitioner Near You!

Welcome to the luxurious world of Reiki healing! If you're seeking a holistic and revitalizing approach to wellness, you've come to the right place. I am a skilled and experienced Reiki practitioner, and I am here to guide you on a journey towards physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.

With my expertise and compassionate touch, you can discover the transformative power of Reiki for yourself. This ancient practice involves the transfer of energy through the hands to promote healing and relaxation in the mind, body, and spirit. As you lay on my comfortable table, you'll feel the soothing effects of Reiki wash over you, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and renewed.

But don't just take my word for it. Many of my clients report feeling a deep sense of peace and clarity after just one session. They sleep better, have more energy, and feel more centered and focused in their daily lives. Imagine what Reiki could do for you.

So why wait? If you're ready to experience the healing power of Reiki for yourself, don't hesitate to reach out. I am the practitioner near you, and I am here to help you on your journey towards optimal health and well-being. Book your appointment today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you. Book a free discovery call today!


Hi! I’m Natalie Fraser, or as some know me, Osa, and have been working as a spiritual coach and facilitator for over 20 years. 


Always be the student as well as the teacher. I am a student in perpetuity, forevermore continuing my studies in western modalities of counselling, along with ancient and modern healing practices from around the world. I take this approach in order to able to meet your needs rather than you being limited to one treatment method. As a result, if one approach does not work, there is always another!

My work has taken me into offices, schools, hospitals, community groups, seniors centres and family homes, my work tried and tested to be universal and adaptable to all. I enjoy the challenges of finding out how to speak “your language” and listen to your needs. My sole purpose is to give you the tools to help you heal yourself.


What I do is quite unique: as a healer and teacher who draws from many traditions, practices and a lifelong approach to learning, my practices are in constant evolution. It’s that innovation, expedience and effectiveness that is celebrated by my clients.

I started in acting and theatre at Concordia University. It opened the world of healing to me. Theatre is the source. It is at the origins of modern religion, spirituality and psychotherapy. There, I learned about obstacles, heroes, villains, victims, tragedy, love and resilience. I studied the very history, structures and archetypes of human nature. With every play, story and song, my practice became clear. It was about healing the human spirit and mind.

The Perpetual Student

A student always! I pursued and furthered my education with Indigenous culture, New Age religions, self-awareness, and human dynamics. In those fields, I found the same lessons of healing that I had learned in theatre. Coincidence? I think not!

The lessons of healing the spirit and mental health were reinforced yet again in my ongoing exploration, study and practice of both western and eastern medicine. I see how interconnected the physical, emotional and spiritual are to the mental.


Most recently and excitingly, I have been researching and working with concepts from neuroscience. I have introduced neuromodulators into my work to teach you neuroplasticity and how to use new parts of your brain. The science beautifully supports my spiritual, social and psychological techniques, helping me to get you lasting results, quicker.

It’s an exciting time to be working in the field of well being in all of its manifestations in my life and work. I live a life of curiosity, creativity, research, and experimentation. As I teach I always remember I am eternally the student as well.

Importantly, I aim to inspire. I want my clients to be confident in their self-care. I want to give them the tools of communication and to be the agents of their own healing and mental health.

Finally, I have learned to be humble, present and see through the lens of love as I walk this path and do this work. I choose to perceive that which I see in another exists in me and so the best I can be to another is gauged by the way I live my own life. If you would like to chat, my door is always open. You can book a call right here.

Hi there, my name is Kayla Paradis and I would like to share a few words about my relationship with Natalie and how life changing the experience was for me. At the time when I was first connected with her it was through a friend and it couldn’t have happened at a more divine timing. I was lost and in pain in my day to day life. Struggling to move forward and so I sent out my intentions to the universe. Connect me with someone who will help me. Sure enough, a few weeks later one of my friends Maddy was speaking of a women that she went to see. A healer, therapist, coach, mentor, supporter, spiritual teacher, etc. Natalie has never been big on labels but what she does encompasses all of these things. She helped me recognized the abilities I had within myself to heal my own wounds. She held a space of love where I could bring my pain and express it in a safe space. Without judgement and full care towards my feelings she helped guide me in directions that my soul needed. Assisting me with the kind of language I used toward myself, helping me build myself up. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for her. The saying goes, without change growth can not occur. She taught me to embrace change, to not see it as a challenge but as a catalyst for growth. Thank you Natalie, you are amazing and I highly encourage anyone who is reading this to take time to connect with her. You will not be disappointed.
— Kayla Paradis
In a time where I found myself struggling and yet ready to believe in something again, I reached out to this amazing woman who to me seemed more like a guide, a shinning beacon of light calling me home. Though I was still figuring out what ‘’home’’ was and felt like to me. Natalie helped me to understand where I was in my mind and whispered me back home... where love, forgiveness and freedom lived. My time with her was a passage way into a world I could enjoy again and feel intimately part of.
— - Jessica Mystic Medicine
I met Osa when I was going through truly the most difficult time to date in my life. My entire world was flipped upside down and I realized more than ever I needed more than help. I needed myself. Osa offered me a space to safely navigate my inner world of the course of a season (I also just love how she times her programs with mother earth). I used to be in a state of emotional paralysis, unable to show up the way I wanted to in life, love, my career and it meant I wasn’t able to show up in all of my light. I realized it was because I wasn’t accepting my darkness or shadows. Before Natalie I didn’t understand what my shadow self even was! Where I am now is a true reflection of the work I did with Osa. I run multiple businesses based on my greatest natural born gifts in life, mentor and coaching other women + help people bring their own visions to life! I designed a life around what I wanted (optimal health, rest, playfulness, creativity, community and helping others). I have used many of the teachings shared in my own life still on a daily basis 3 years later. Forever in gratitude to you Osa. Big Love to you.
— Jess Clifford